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The Order of New Age is a prestigious Secret Society and International Online Organization formed by visionaries united under a shared purpose. Dedicated to ushering in a transformative New Age, we guide our members toward freedom, wealth, success, and a life of abundance. Our organization stands as a beacon for those seeking to elevate their lives and contribute to shaping a greater future, bound by the principles of exclusivity, empowerment, and global influence.

Order of New Age is the embodiment of knowledge and power that acknowledges the Principle of Lucifer as the "Light of Consciousness." Be it as a god or as a principle, Lucifer has transcended many cultures as the "Bearer of Light;" the Light which illuminates the consciousness of sapient beings and heightens the senses and awareness to experience Higher Levels of Being. ACTIVATE | INITIATE | ILLUMINATE is the path of Self Mastery, Self-Attainment, Self-Sovereignty, and the Illumination of the Higher Self.

Self-development is important to us. This is due to the idea of Lucifer, who is seen to encourage individuality and freedom of thought, and the quest to raise one's self despite resistance, through means such as magic and initiative. We seek to remove any means by which they are controlled or repressed by others and forced to follow the herd, and reject non-governmental authoritarianism.

Our vision for the future is a unified planet without national borders, governed by the best and the brightest of the human species, in which all people, in all places, can live in Abundance. Our plan for this planet sees humans that are not divided into tribes based on their geographic locations, physical appearances, or access to resources. Instead, every person is one unique part of a worldwide ecosystem in which their choices affect the whole. Every person is a vital piece of a bigger machine that benefits from the entirety of humankind. Every person has the freedom to discover their purpose, to follow their passion, to better themselves, and to see how their efforts contribute to the lives of 8 billion others — instead of simply serving themselves and their needs.

As we continue to evolve, the time is quickly becoming ripe for this information to be brought into the world on a much greater scale. Eventually to all, so that all may attain the Illumination. A detailed account of our purpose and our commitment to the “path of Light” is provided for the public. We hope that all readers and seekers around the world will unite in a common cause to pursue the Light and travel down a road of success. Success is guaranteed to any person who follows the Laws and learns from the Lessons.